On 12-13 May 2023, as a part of the Europe Days in Ukraine, representatives of the Jean Monet module "Fostering EU Practices of Education for Sustainable Development through the Brand Language: Interdisciplinary Studies" (101085708-ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH) Iryna Ushchapovska and Oleksanra Kubatko participated in the international scientific and practical conference "ESSENTIAL ISSUES OF LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE FUNCTIONING IN MODERN POLYCULTURAL SOCIETY".

Oleksandr Shumenko under the supervision of Antonina Prokopenko (senior lecturer at the Department of Germanic Philology) conquered the world of science. He represented his scientific research at the III International Student Scientific Conference "Trends and Perspectives of the Development of the Multidisciplinary Researches".

Oleksandr has actively taken part in the international conference and has been recognized in the scientific world. Now, he has another significant advantage for his future employment. Keep it up!!!

On 10 May 2023, lecturers of the Department of Germanic Philology held a Google Meet event with future masters. Here, they got acquainted with the program "Germanic Languages and Literatures (including Translation), First – English".

The visitors asked questions, clarified various aspects of study, learned about the Single Entrance Exam features.

Anna Shcherbak, a 3rd-year student at the Department of Germanic Philology, won the first place in the Literary Translation Contest 2023. It was held by the Ivan Ohienko Kamianets-Podilskyi National University.

Anna showed herself not only as a skilled translator, but also as a creative, gifted person. She managed to convey the poem idea from the German language into Ukrainian.

To ensure high-quality teaching of foreign languages, teachers of the Department of Germanic Philology increasingly turn to innovative technologies and digital tools. The digital approach is implemented via Internet resources, platforms, programs, mobile applications and media materials.

This was the focus of the Goethe Institute seminar, which was attended by Diana Movchan (associate professor of the Department of Germanic Philology) on 22 April 2023.

The seminar purpose was to reveal possibilities of using digital technologies in German language classes, to get acquainted with tools, forms and methods of their use.

A participation certificate was issued based on the seminar results.

Iryna Ushchapovska (a teacher at the Department of Germanic Philology) completed the course "Education for Sustainable Development in Higher Education Institutions 2022-2023" within the Baltic University Program. The course lasted from September 2022 to March 2023. A certificate was issued (5 ECTS credits).

The course aim is to integrate sustainable development education into curricula. In addition, the UN Sustainable Development Goals are being strongly implemented.

The course comprised the Moodle e-learning from Finland's Åbo Akademi University and two workshops (11-13 October 2022, Tallinn University, Estonia and 2-3 March 2023, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania).

On 25 April 2023, the Travel Office (under Olena Nazarenko) held an online students' meeting with Oleksandra Hnibida. She is a school founder and department stakeholder.

The guest shared her personal experience of a former student, hotel administrator, tutor and entrepreneur who created a children's clothing store before opening her own Smart School in Sumy.

Olena Nazarenko and Alla Krasulia (members of the Department of Germanic Philology) joined the Chat GPT online lecture by the professor J. Scott Christianson (University of Missouri).

The lecture was held thanks to the Ukraine Global Faculty initiative. This is a great opportunity to dive into the Chat GPT world, explore its key points and learn how to build a query for the most productive interaction.

The lecturers are very grateful to SumDU for cooperation with leading organizations and specialists. It allows constant professional development.

Olena Nazarenko (a lecturer at the Department of Germanic Philology) completed the Teaching Tips for Tricky English Grammar Online Course and received a certificate from the University of California, Irvine.

The course includes four weeks devoted to Teaching Nouns, Articles, and Quantifiers; Teaching Gerunds, Infinitives, Requests and Permission; Teaching Confusing Word Forms; Teaching Phrasal Verbs and Collocations.

According to Education and Science Ministry Order №352 as of 28 March 2023, five SumDU students were awarded President scholarships for study, research and public achievements. Daryna Shcherbak (a 3rd-year Philology student) is among them.

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