Specialized journal "Philological tructatus"
Deputy Editor-in-Chief -Doctor of Philology, Prof.Natalia Tatsenko
Iryna Kobyakova; Svitlana Shvachko
Innovative pathway for the development of modern philological sciences in Ukraine and EU countries : Collective monograph. Vol. 1. Riga, Latvia : “Baltija Publishing”, 2021. 390 p.
In this monograph the results of research on the following topics are provided: the models of translation in the theory of translation studies, the peculiarities of translating neologisms, onyms, participles, loanwords, slogans, idioms, headings, comprehension of speech-generating function integration in modern linguistic studies. The proposed monograph will be of interest to researchers, lecturers, postgraduate students, Master and Bachelor students.
Access mode https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/83209
Shvachko, Svitlana; Anokhina, Tetiana, Zatsnyi, Yurii; Zapolskykh, Svitlana; Semeniuk, Antonina; Tatsenko, Nataliia; Voronko, Anna; Baranova, Svitlana; Yehorova, Olesia; Prokopenko, Antonina; Yemelianova, Olena; Zinchenko, Anna; Ovsianko, Olena; Kobyakova, Iryna; Kobyakov, Oleksandr; Krasulia, Alla; Kulish, Vladyslava; Movchan, Diana; Chernyk, Maryna; Chulanova, Galyna; Shchyhlo, Larysa;
Moduses of modern translation studies [Text]: monograph / T. Anokhina, S. Shvachko, Y. Zatsnyi, etc., for general ed. S. O. Shvachko. – Sumy: SumDU, 2021. – 149 p.
Сollective monograph "Moduses of modern translation studies" shows a wide range items of translation studies, including language, sociolinguistic and translation parameters; translation of poetic works; translation analysis; standardization and codification of modern scientific terminology; nationally marked vocabulary; language game; translation of nominative and communicative units. Modern linguistics integrates various humanities and scientific and technical knowledge, creating new horizons for human cognitive activity. Recently, translation studies have focused mainly on the study of extralinguistic factors that affect the effectiveness of communication. The proposed monograph will be of interest to philologists, linguists, students, postgraduates and readers interested in the functioning of language and speech.
Access mode https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/82569
Kobyakova, Iryna
Ukraine – Canada: Modern Scientific Studies : Сollective Monograph (in three books). Book 3. – Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2018. – 108 p.
The materials of the international collective monograph show the latest Ukrainian Canadian socio-political, historical, philological, cultural, educational and pedagogical research in the field of modern Canadian Studies. The monograph includes the investigations by several scientists from Ukraine and Canada (from Edmonton, Lutsk, Kyiv, Lviv, and Sumy). Such publication comes out in Ukraine for the first time. For scholars, postgraduates and doctoral students, undergraduates and lecturers of the faculties of international relations, foreign philology, history, political science, philology and journalism, education and social work, Canadian centres in Ukraine and centres of Ukrainian Studies in Canada, as well as for anyone interested in research of Ukrainian-Canadian relations.
Access mode: https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/bitstream-download/123456789/68790/3/Shvachko_Kobyakova_monograph2018.pdf
Kobyakova Iryna
Shvachko, Svitlana
Kobzar’s Heritage from Toronto to Kyiv: the category of negation. Canadian Studies: Society, Culture, Language [Text]: Сollective Monograph. - Lutsk: Vezha-Druk, 2019. – 152 p. (P. 117 - 127)
International collective monograph reveals the latest Ukrainian-Canadian socio-political, cultural-educational and philological researches in the field of modern Canadian Studies. The monograph is in use for researches, lecturers, doctoral students, PhD students and students of departments of international relations, foreign philology, history, political studies and national security, philology and journalism, pedagogical education and social work, for employees of Canadian Studies Centers in Ukraine, authors of Ukrainian Studies in Canada and everyone, who is interested in Canadian Studies and Ukrainian-Canadian cooperation in various areas.
Access mode: https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/68790/3/Shvachko_Kobyakova_monograph2018.pdf
Tatsenko, Nataliia
Realisation of Empathy in Contemporary English Discourse: Cognitive and Synergetic Aspect : monograph. – Sumy : SumDU, 2017. – 356 p.
The monograph reveals concept EMPATHY from the perspective of cognitive linguosynergy exteriorized in contemporary English discourse. The research is fulfilled through the prism of dynamic transdisciplinary theory of concept, aimed to revealing its general qualities and regularities. This approach shows discursive culturally valued aspects, which form dynamically developed constituent of deep processes of empathy sense code.
For philologists and researchers: students, lecturers, postgraduates, doctoral students, - everyone interested in problems of contemporary linguistics.
Acsess mode https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/53030
Shvachko, Svitlana
Teach Translation Studies : Monograph / S. O. Shvachko. – Sumy: SumDU, 2015. – 215 p.
The monograph is devoted to the study of language use in translated texts as a function of various linguistic, contextual and cognitive factors. It contributes to the recent trend in translation studies towards more methodological sophistication, including mixed methodology designs and multivariate statistical analyses, ultimately leading to a more accurate understanding of language use in translations
The present monograph is an attempt to demonstrate the fact that Translation Studies is not a mere branch of linguistics but an extensive discipline with many branches and very significant results. In the next pages, there will be four main parts: the first part will focus on the development of translation studies from writings on translation to translation studies as an academic discipline. As an interdisciplinary discipline, translation studies borrows much from the different fields of study that support translation. These include comparative literature, computer science, history, linguistics, philology, philosophy, semiotics, terminology, and so forth. The present monograph, being an attempt to relate translation to other fields, tries to bring together translation and culture, For scholars, postgraduates and doctoral students, undergraduates and lecturers of the faculties of international relations, foreign philology, history, political science, philolog.
Access mode: http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/42327