Post Date:
23 May 2023

On 16-19 May 2023, there was the online international conference "ECONOMICS FOR ECOLOGY" (EU Practices for Sustainable Economy Implementation within Industries 4.0 and 5.0).

The conference gathered about 50 researchers, teachers, students (PhD, DSc, bachelors) and business representatives. During the plenary session, there were speeches among scientists and public figures from Switzerland, Poland, China, Belgium, Denmark, Ukraine. Economic, technological and social prospects for fostering sustainable development were discussed.

The conference was organized within the Jean Monnet Module "EU Legislative, Economic and Social Transition to Sustainable Society" (619997-EPP-1-2020-1-UA-EPPJMO-CHAIR) headed by professor Leonid Melnyk.

As members of other Jean Monnet projects, Iryna Ushchapovska and Oleksandra Kubatko represented their module "Fostering EU Practices of Education for Sustainable Development through the Brand Language: Interdisciplinary Studies" (101085708-ERASMUS-JMO-2022-HEI-TCH-RSCH). Iryna Ushchapovska reported on the topic "Education for Sustainable Development through the Brand Language” and shared her experience of the Jean Monnet module realization.

Leonid Melnyk, as the main event organizer and coordinator, talked about the viral nature of modern industrial revolutions. He cited the EU best practices to form a sustainable economy for use in Ukraine.

The information letter about the conference can be found via the link.

The video record of the plenary session is available via the link

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