Teaching: Practical Course of English, Practice of Translation from the Basic (English) Language
Research interests:
Onomastics, cognitive science, translation studies
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Tel: (0542) 33-70-35
Building of the Electro-Technical Department, Room 425
Author's profiles:
Education and career:
Born on 23 May 1981 in Sumy.
In 2003, graduated with honors from the Faculty of Humanities of Sumy State University (Translation Diploma as of 1 July 2003: CM 23457787).
Since August 2003, has been working as a lecturer at the Department of Germanic Philology at Sumy State University.
In 2005-2009, was a PhD student of the Department of Translation of Sumy State University (specialty 10.02.04 "Germanic Languages").
Since September 2021, is Vice Dean of the Faculty FPSC for Extramural Studies and Distance Learning.
Research work:
Participant of research complex problem "Verbalization of Concepts: Intralingual and Interlingual Aspects". State registration number 0112U004325. Final results: https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/67840.
Superving students, winners of the All-Ukrainian Contest of Students’ Works and Olympiads
- Olondar (11th grade pupil of the Classical Gymnasium, Sumy). «Explication of concept FRIENDSHIP in English feature discourse by Joanne K. Rowling». She took the first place in the Second (Regional) Stage of the All-Ukrainian Contest of Students’ Research Works (for members of JAS). Order of the Department of Education and Science of the Sumy Regional State Administration as of 2 March 2018 (146-ОД).
- Ponomarenko took the third place in the 2019-2020 All-Ukrainian Contest of Students’ Research Works in Germanic languages (code "Language Game"). Order of Sumy State University as of 19 November 2020 (0928-I).
- Rudenko took the second place in the 2020-2021 All-Ukrainian Contest of Students’ Research Works in Sociolinguistics. Order of Sumy State University as of 20 October 2021 (0966-I).
Key publications
Nazarenko O.V., Tatsenko N.V. Fractal changes of discourse. Objective and Subjective Factors in Formation of Linguistic Mechanisms in the Age of Domination of Liberal Values and Priority of Personal Identity: peer-reviewed material digest (collective monograph). London: 2017. P.18-22.
Nazarenko O., Kozlova V. Etymological and semantic features of anthroponyms in modern English literature. Актуальні проблеми філології та перекладознавства. 2021. №22.
Nazarenko O., Liuta A. Linguistic and sociocultural aspects of stand-up comedies. Актуальні проблеми філології та перекладознавства. 2021. №22.
Nazarenko O.V., Rudenko M. Cognitive orientation of proper names in modern English cinematic discourse. Актуальні проблеми філології та перекладознавства. 2020. №19. P. 35-38.
Nazarenko O.V., Chasovskykh A. Lexico-semantic analysis of anthroponyms in modern English prose. Актуальні проблеми філології та перекладознавства. 2020. №19. P. 11-14.
Назаренко О.В., Галеженко В.Г. Евфемізми як лексичний засіб вираження категорії політкоректності. Нова філологія. 2019. №76. P. 99-103. URL: https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/76314.
Назаренко О.В., Пономаренко А.М. Лексико-стилістичні особливості сучасного англійського гумору в медіа-дискурсі. Актуальні проблеми філології та перекладознавства. 2019. №17. P. 70-74. URL: http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/76819.
Назаренко О.В., Деменкова К.В. Стилістичні засоби втілення художнього образу сходу у сучасних англомовних творах прозової форми. Актуальні проблеми філології та перекладознавства. 2019. №18. P. 20-24. URL: https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/76820.
Nazarenko O., Prykhodko N., Bila O. Strategies and techniques of developing the grammatical competence of EFL learners. Research of Different Directions of Development of Philological Sciences in Ukraine and EU (conference proceedings). Baia Mare: Izdevnieciba «Baltija Publishing», 2019. P. 162-165.
Дегрярьова Л.І., Назаренко О.В., Приходько Н.А. Germanische Rezeption in Wortschatz der Ruthenen. Філологічні трактати. 2019. Том 11. №2. P. 21-32. URL: https://tractatus.sumdu.edu.ua/index.php/journal/article/view/35.
Назаренко О.В., Баранова С.В., Приходько Н.А., Плетенко К.П. Нетрадиційний урок як сучасний спосіб слідування сучасній доктрині освіти в Україні. Science and Education a New Dimension. Pedagogy and Psychology. 2018. Volume VI (73). Issue 175. P. 7-10.
Назаренко О.В., Ветошкіна М., Гавриленко А. The concept of FRIENDSHIP as an imprint of emotional sphere in the English linguistic culture. GISAP Philological Sciences. 2017. Issue 14. P. 3-5.
Назаренко О.В., Дорда В.О. Is American slang out-of-date? GISAP Philological Sciences. 2017. Issue 12. P. 3-5.
Nazarenko O.V., Prykhodko N.A. Methodological instructions for self-work on the course "Practice of Translation from Major Language (English)" for students of specialty 035 "Philology". Full-time study. Sumy: Sumy State University, 2021. 52 p. URL: https://lib.sumdu.edu.ua/library/DocumentDescription?docid=USH.7871052.
Nazarenko O.V., Prykhodko N.A. Methodological instructions in Practice of Translation from Major Language (English) for 3-rd year students of specialty 035 "Philology" (035.041 "Germanic languages and literature (translation included); English as the first language"). Full-time study. Sumy: Sumy State University, 2020. 60 p. URL: http://lib.sumdu.edu.ua/library/DocumentDescription?docid=USH.4604095.
Nazarenko O.V., Prykhodko N.A. Methodological instructions in Practice of Translation from Major Language (English) for individual work for students of speciality 035 "Philology" (035.04 "Germanic languages and literature (translation included); English as the first language"). Full-time study. Sumy: SumDU, 2019. 41 p. URL: http://lib.sumdu.edu.ua/library/DocumentDescription?docid=SuSDU.BibRecord.715364.
Nazarenko O.V., Prykhodko N.A. Methodological instructions in Practical Course of English for students of speciality 035 "Philology" (035.04 "Germanic languages and literature (translation included); English as the first language"). Full-time study. Sumy: Sumy State University, 2018. 44 p. URL: http://lib.sumdu.edu.ua/library/DocumentDescription?docid=SuSDU.BibRecord.697478.
Жулавська О.О., Назаренко О.В. Переклад: теоретичні та практичні аспекти. Суми: СумДУ, 2017. 142 p. URL: https://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/66687.
International activity:
Participation in the GISAP international scientific project. Received diplomas for prize places in 2017.
Diploma “Sophist” DS-017/0055 (London, 19.07-25.07.2017).
Advanced trainings (last 5 years):
Certificate №05408289 / 1310-19 as of 26.11.2019 (account 16.01 – 127 / 19) on advanced training from 18.10.2019 to 22.11.2019 at Sumy State University on innovative pedagogical activity programs, 6 ECTS.
Grabbing and holding student’s attention. TalkEn.Cloud 21.06.2022 (NQRVV8-CE000055)
Teaching speaking to ESL students. Practical tips. TalkEn.Cloud 03.06.2022 (AQ2SDY-CE000123)
Making grammar lessons fun and effective. TalkEn.Cloud 27.05.2022 (WD2QGY-CE000017)
GetSet for Successful Career (jointly developed by Sumy State University, Ukraine and Islamic Azad University, Iran). 10.11.2021 – 03.12.2021
Using Online Platforms and Digital Services in the Studying Process. Green Country (№ 827). 29.10.2021
Other activities:
Active member of the Association of Ukrainian Germanists from November 2015. Certificate as of 28 September 2021 (№1177).
Active member of the Ukrainian Union of Higher School Germanists (local center at the Department of Germanic Philology of SumDU) since 2021. Certificate №14/2021 as of 23.02.2021.
Head of students’ club of linguistic and cultural studies "Travel Office" at the Translation Training and Resource Center “LinguoStar”. URL: https://gf.sumdu.edu.ua/en/ttrc-linguostar/students-club-of-linguistic-and-cultural-studies-travel-office.html.
Head of the School of European Languages at the Translation Training and Resource Center “LinguoStar”. URL: https://gf.sumdu.edu.ua/en/ttrc-linguostar/school-of-european-languages.html.
Responsible for translating content of the Faculty FPSC site into English.