Post Date:
15 December 2023

On 9 December 2023, the Annual Conference of the Academy of Sciences of the Higher School of Ukraine was held (materials). With its more than thirty years of conscientious work, the Academy contributed to the fact that Ukrainian science remained capable of producing results critically important for national security both in modern technologies and humanitarian studies. Ukrainian higher education, despite the numerous critical arrows fired at it, keeps training highly qualified specialists.

Svitlana Shvachko (an academician, professor, DSc in Philology) participated in the conference.

During the event, the names of academic award laureates were announced. Among them, there was the SumDU representative – Anatolii Chornous.

Volodymyr Sadivnychyi, an IFSK representative, was one of the newly elected academicians in philology, art history and mass communication.

At the conference, it was stated that the high level of science and education will keep serving as one of the most important guarantees of our national stability and independence.

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