Post Date:
16 February 2022

The importance of higher education cannot be overestimated if it goes about a modern graduate who succeeds and wants his knowledge and skills to be best-fit for modern employers' demands.

Students majoring in Philology are aware of their future and realize the advantages the Master's degree in Philology offers.

Diana Levkovych, an extramural Master's student, thinks back:

"After I got my Bachelor's degree, I decided to complete my education. So, continuing the Master’s degree was quite obvious. Here, at SumDU, I spent my four studying years, so changing the university was out of the question!

SumDU is like home for me, thanks to the teachers, students, even desks and walls. Surely, I enjoyed studying, as I have chosen its extramural programme. Thus, I could study and work at the same time. I am grateful to Iryna Kobyakova, the head of the Department of Germanic Philology, and to all lecturers who organize the educational process and make it comfortable and available for working students.

Today, I am a step away from the Master's degree and a bit down about the student years to be over. However, there is a new and no less interesting page of grown-up life ahead, as the Master's degree of SumDU provides twice as many prospects and opportunities".

A well-educated person is always on trend, and degree has nothing to do with it.

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