Post Date:
21 June 2024

Philology students of the fourth year presented the results of their latest research project "Ukrainians in the German-speaking Countries" within the discipline "Practical Course of the German language". The project was organized under the leadership of senior lecturer Anna Zinchenko. It aimed at investigating modern Ukrainian diaspora in such countries as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Luxembourg.

The Ukrainian diaspora in these countries numbers many people, a large part of whom moved after Russia's military annexation of Ukraine in 2014 and later, after the start of the full-scale invasion in 2022. Students paid considerable attention to ways of integrating Ukrainians into new communities and their active participation in the cultural and public life of these countries.

Special attention is paid to the activities of the Ukrainian diaspora in supporting Ukraine to struggle for independence. Volunteer projects, fundraising to help Ukraine, and organizing protests against Russian aggression are an integral part of their activities.

Students constantly emphasized that the Ukrainian diaspora in the German-speaking countries played an important role in the international support for Ukraine and was a powerful factor in preserving national identity. The project showed how Ukrainians, integrating into a new environment, preserve their traditions and culture, while at the same time making a significant contribution to the life of the host countries.

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