Open Door Day: From "speed dating" to true love

On 20 April 2024, Sumy State University held the Open Door Day. This year's event had an unusual format - applicants got acquainted with the specialties in the form of "speed dating". The IFSK faculty also made future students fall in love with their specialties. The event was attended by pupils of the 10th-11th grades, college students and parents. During the "quick dates", applicants could personally communicate with representatives of the graduating departments and learn more about the choice of future specialty, admission requirements, study benefits, and modern educational opportunities.

Translation in practice

Maryna Chernyk, a lecturer at the Department of Germanic Philology, translated into English the publication "Art Collection of Sumy State University". The authors of the works collected in the gallery are prominent artists from Ukraine, Poland, Switzerland, and Croatia. But most of the collection is composed of works by artists of Sumy Oblast.

Representative of the Department of Germanic Philology adopts international experience

A novelty from the UK Government, namely the introduction of the International Qualified Teacher Status (iQTS), has given Olha Shumenko (an associate professor of the Department of Germanic Philology) an opportunity to become a candidate for the International Qualified Teacher Status certificate. It is positioned as a way to obtain high-quality international teacher education. The IQTS meets the standards of the International Education Strategy, providing thorough and qualified training for British and Ukrainian teachers. It reviews available ways and methods to maintain and improve the quality of educational services in extreme conditions. Candidates for the iQTS have an opportunity to study locally (at their place of residence or work) without visiting England.

Hot debate

The event, which took place during the faculty week and brought together students and teachers, was called "Hot Debate". The comic debate format, proposed by the student government, was used for the first time this year. However, department representatives eagerly responded to the student initiative. Teams of teachers and students were drawn by lot to determine whether they would have to be the "defense" or the "opposing" side.

Easter atmosphere in German

The first-year Philology students began to master the basics of the German language in the spring semester. Immediately, they became interested in this process. Education seekers visited the Goethe Institut's German speaking club online.

Department lecturer in the THEA Ukraine X program

On 25-28 March 2024, the third wave of the international project THEA Ukraine X took place. It was supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the University of Applied Sciences Munster. Among the project participants is Alla Krasulia (a senior lecturer at the Department of Germanic Philology of Sumy State University).

Conference "Educational process: The students' perspective"

On 27 March 2024, the online conference "Educational Process: The students' perspective" was held at Sumy State University. The event was attended by students of various courses and specialties of the IFSK faculty, the dean Olena SUSHKOVA,  department heads, teachers.

A future interpreter on the sleep guard

Kateryna Haivoronska, a third-year Philology student (PR-11), took part in the workshop "PedSmart Sleep" as an interpreter from German into Ukrainian and from Ukrainian into German. This event was for physicians and everyone interested in sleep problems, considering the psycho-traumatic impact of the ongoing war.

Poetry Week at the Department of Germanic Philology

Anna Zinchenko (a lecturer at the Department of Germanic Philology) together with Philology students implemented a creative poetry project "I", It consisted of two parts: creation of a poetic work and experiments with visual forms of presentation. The project aimed not only to introduce students to a poetic work. They also tried to express themselves through it in other languages (English and German). Thematically, the project focused on self-identification and self-analysis. Students tried to find answers to important personal questions and express them by experimenting with the visual representation of poetry.

All-Ukrainian English Olympiad

In March 2024, the second stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in academic subjects among students of vocational education institutions in 2023-2024 was held in eight academic subjects, including foreign languages.  The event was aimed at identifying, supporting and developing the creative potential of students, as well as preparing them for final examinations.

Yehorova Olesia

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor


Contact Details

Tel: +38 (0542) 68-78-81

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Electro-technical building, Room 133, 409













Education and Career

Sep. 2003 – Jul. 2008 Bachelor and Specialist Programmes in Philology and Translation Studies; qualification –Translator, Teacher of English and German.

Aug. 2008 – Aug. 2013 Department of Germanic Philology, Department of Theory and Practice of Translation, Sumy State University; positions – full-time and part-time lecturer.

Nov. 2008 – Oct. 2011 Postgraduate (PhD) Programme in Germanic Languages (10.02.04), Sumy State University. Thesis title: Linguistic and Cognitive Aspects of the Indefinite Quantity Actualization in the English-Language Discourse (date of defence 05.06.2012, place of defence: Kherson State University, Ukraine).

Sep. 2012 – May 2013 – State Boarding Lyceum with Intensified Physical-Military Study "Cadet Corps" named after I.H. Kharytonenko; position – part time teacher of English.

Aug. 2013 – Otto-Friedrich Universität, Bamberg (Germany), BAYHOST scholarship holder for participation in the 35th International Summer University (summer session “The Journey: from literary motif to narrative structures and epistemological perspectives”)

Aug 2013 – Present – Department of Theory and Practice of Translation (assistant professor); Department of Germanic Philology (part-time lecturer), Sumy State University.


Teaching areas

Introduction to Translation Studies

English Language Practice

Second Foreign Language Practice (German)

TranslationPractice (English/Ukrainian)

Literary Translation Criticism and Editing

Translation for Specific Purposes – International Economic Terminology (English/Ukrainian or German/Ukrainian)


Research interests

Comparative Linguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Translation Studies


Key publications

Educational and academic textbooks:

1. Методичні вказівки до практичних занять з дисциплін "Практичний курс англійської мови", "Історія англійської мови". "Мовна категорія кількості" : для студ. спец. 6.030507 "Переклад" денної форми навчання. — Суми : СумДУ, 2009. — 51 с.

2. Числівник англійської мови: навч. посіб./ С. О. Швачко, С. В. Баранова, І. К. Кобякова та ін. –­ Суми: СумДУ, 2010. – 171 с.

3. Methodological instructions on home reading for the practical course "Practical Course of the English Language": for the students of the speciality 6.030507 "Translation" of the full-time course of study. P.1 — Sumy : Sumy State University, 2012. — 42 с.

4. Rahmenmethodische Anweisungen für die praktische Arbeit im Fach "Praktischer Deutsch": für die Studenten der Fachrichtung 6.020303 "Ubersetzung" Direktstudium / O. I. Egorowa, J. S. Bondarenko. — Sumy : Staatliche Universitat Sumy, 2013. — 36 с.

Scientific publications:

1. Єгорова О.І. Лінгвопрагматична актуалізація кількості в текстах політичного дискурсу (на матеріалі інавгураційних промов Б. Обами) [Текст] / О.І. Єгорова, А.В. Зінченко // Філологічні трактати. — 2013. — Т.5, №2. — С. 32—37.

2. Егорова О.И. Количество в переводе (на материале анализа конкретных переводческих решений) / О.И. Егорова, А.В. Зинченко // Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «Академическая наука – проблемы и достижения» 30–31 января 2013г. – North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace. – C. 231–234.

3. Егорова О.И. Специфика перевода квантитативных единиц (на материале слов-мезуративов) / О.И. Егорова // Актуальные вопросы переводоведения и практики перевода. Сборник научных статей. Выпуск 3. – Н. Новгород: Бюро переводов "Альба", 2013. – C. 97–106.

4. Єгорова О. І. Лінгвокогнітивні аспекти актуалізації невизначеної кількості в англомовному дискурсі [Текст] : автореф. дис. ... канд. філол. наук : 10.02.04 / Єгорова Олеся Іванівна ; Херсон. держ. ун-т. — Херсон, 2012. — 20 с.

5. Егорова О.И. Специфика когнитивной обусловленности метафорических номинаций неопределенного количества [Текст] / О.И. Егорова, А.В. Кальченко // Филологические науки в России и за рубежом: материалы междунар. заоч. науч. конф. (г. Санкт-Петербург, февраль, 2012 г.). / Под общ. ред. Г. Д. Ахметовой. — СПб.: Реноме, 2012. — С. 120—123.

6. Єгорова О.І. Невизначено-кількісна актуалізація невербальної аудіальної поведінки в англомовному дискурсі [Текст] / О.І. Єгорова // Філологічні трактати. — 2011. — Т.3, №3. — С. 23—28.

7. Кобякова І.К., Єгорова О.І. Семантична ідентифікація та квантитативні параметри концепту QUANTITY в англійській мові [Текст] / І.К. Кобякова, О. І. Єгорова // Вісник ХНУ ім. В.Н. Каразіна. Серія “Романо-германська філологія.Методика викладання іноземних мов”, 2011. — №954. — С. 94—102.


Professional activity

Supervising students’ academic year papers and degree works in philology and translation;

Supervising student’s synopses and scientific articles contributed to specialized the national and international scientific journals;

Supervising research works and creative works for All-Ukrainian and international contests (since 2012).


Public activity

Member of the Union of Gifted Youth of Ukraine

Sumy State University,
116, Kharkivska st., 40007 Sumy, Ukraine, 
Electro-Technical Unit, Room ET-422

Tel.: +380 (542) 33-70-35

E-mail: [email protected]

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